Frowning not allowed: Town mayor orders all government employees to smile while serving the public

Grumpy employees at government offices can be found almost anywhere, but it has apparently become enough of a problem in the town of Mulanay in Quezon that its mayor has decided to implement a mandatory smile policy.

Mulanay Mayor Aristotle Aguirre has decided the best way to deal with crabby government employees is by demanding “strict compliance” with an executive order that mandates that they smile while facilitating public transactions, calling it one of the local government’s flagship programs.

During the campaign period in the run-up to the May elections, Aguirre promised to implement the smile policy once he assumed office. He has said that this was to make the public feel that local government employees are public servants and to ease the burden of his fellow citizens.

Under the EO, any employee or official found to have violated the policy will face disciplinary action. The order also says that all complaints will be handled by the mayor’s office in accordance with civil service laws, rules and regulations.

READ: Tired of noisy motorcycle mufflers, town mayor smashes them in public

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