Girl who rides unicycle to school every day inspires netizens (Video)

With the rising costs of fuel and the worsening traffic situation, people have to get creative, especially with face-to-face classes and work resuming. Take the case of this high school student, who was caught on video traveling to school riding a unicycle.

Facebook user Jonathan Paa recently posted a video of a Grade 7 student of Batia High School in Tambubong, Bocaue, Bulacan who is seen effortlessly balancing herself on the unicycle, with her school bag slung on one shoulder while carrying her lunch box on the opposite arm.

Panis kayo diyan (She’s got nothing on you),” Paa is overheard saying, “to think she’s carrying a bag.”

“I hope someone helps her as she’s a diligent student,” he wrote in the caption.

The video now has over 3,000 shares as of writing.

According to the OP, he was able to meet the girl’s family shortly after posting the video.

He said the student’s father used to work in the circus and taught his children how to ride the unicycle.

Her determination to go to school — as well as her unique ability to balance on one wheel — inspired people online.

“It’s like a magic trick,” one commenter said.

“What an inspiring girl,” another wrote.

“At least no one would attempt to steal her bike,” one joked.

With rising public transportation fares and a meager allowance, the girl decided to ride the unicycle to school to save on costs. With that kind of determination and skill we’re sure she’ll go far in life.

READ: A mood: Teacher chases after kindergartener who walked straight back home after coming into class (video)

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