Traffic enforcers apprehend helmet-less rider on motorcycle, turns out to be a mannequin

Traffic enforcers in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan must have felt feeling pranked after they apprehended a motorcycle rider whose second rider had been traveling without a helmet — but turned out to be a mannequin.

The humorous incident was posted by Kiefer’s Delivery Services, whose rider was tasked with delivering the mannequin, which was sporting a pink outfit and baseball cap.

“With just how sexy the mannequin looks, you wouldn’t guess that she wasn’t human,” Facebook page Just Ride Palawan, who shared the photos, wrote. “This traffic enforcer had to take a second look. This Kiefer’s Delivery Services rider was almost apprehended. We salute our attentive traffic enforcers in Puerto Princesa City who don’t let things slide.”

Meanwhile, social media users had a good laugh about the incident.

“You should have let the mannequin wear a helmet,” one wrote.

“I wonder why they made the mannequin ride the motorcycle,” another said.

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