Flowers are overrated: Cum laude graduate receives vegetable bouquet from her mother

It’s common for graduates to receive a bouquet of flowers on their big day, but a recent cum laude graduate from Naga City in Cebu was handed something much more unique: a bouquet of vegetables.

Rosemarie Villarin, who graduated cum laude with a degree in Elementary Education from Cebu Technological University – Naga Extension Campus, proudly shared the gift her parents’ gave to show their appreciation for her achievement.

The City Government of Naga, Cebu Facebook page also shared the heartwarming gesture, which earned raves from their followers.

Villarin’s parents are both vegetable farmers, according to the Naga government’s Facebook post.

Nanay (mother) Senda felt very happy that her daughter had graduated from college and she gave her a bouquet of vegetables to be proud of what she achieved from their efforts and hard work in farming,” the page wrote in Bisaya. “Rose’s father, Tatay (father) Daniel, did not attend because he was plowing and was the one taking care of their livestock located in Barangay Patag.”

Rosemarie is the fifth of eight children and is a City of Naga College Scholar, the page added.

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